Know Your POODL Admins #1: Sacha

5 min readApr 18, 2021

Hey my fellow POODLers!

The last week has been positively crazy, once again! POODL V2 on BSC is coming very soon, the token is flying to new heights and we’ll have many more exciting things to announce in the coming weeks!

We also held several AMA’s listening to your questions and requests. Some of those were directed at our team to be more open to the public, ideally doxing ourselves, which means revealing our identities to the general public. While not all of us are confident in doing so out of different reasons, we decided to at least all introduce ourselves with a series of little interviews, so you get to know all the POODL admins!

Sacha was ready to take the fall as the first one. He was also fine to dox himself for you guys, so give him some shout outs when you see him in the chat where he is many hours a day!

Sacha in what has to be the most stylish T-Shirt of the year :)!

Hey man, appreciate your time for this, I know we all are quite busy these days. Also, awesome to have you dox yourself to give the community an extra sense of assurance!
Why don’t we start with the obvious question: What’s your name?

Sacha Froment, a name that comes from the word “flour” in French.

Alright Mr. Flour, haha. So you are coming from France?

Yup, correct. Paris to be precise but I won’t get more precise than that😅

Ah, Paris, la cité d’amour. Of course, no need to, but is there anything else personal you want to share with the community? Maybe what you do for a living in the real world?

Okay, so right now I’m studying Computer Science in order to become a Computer Engineer specialized in information systems. And I’m doing this under an apprenticeship, which means my time is split between studying and having a real job.

Sacha’s website, check it out!

Oh wow, so your interests pretty much align with crypto. How long have you been part of this cosmos?

That weird thing is that I’ve been wanting to get into crypto as far back as 2016 but I only got in this January.

Me too! I think the broader media just scared me for a very long time, the image of cryptocurrency still needs some polishing, it seems, but we’ll get there.

To be honest, the real roadblock for me was that I had no money to invest. Almost bought XRP way back then, in a alternate timeline I’m probably an XRP schizo 😎

Haha, but in this one you are a POODLer! Tell us, how did you get in contact with the token for the first time?

Okay so normally I’m a guy who browses 4chan. been on /g/ for 2 years. I had been looking at biz since February just to try and get a feel of the worst the crypto community had to offer. I introduced some friends to crypto and told them biz could be a source of information to get in early on new tokens. One day, one of these friends sent me this:

March the 13th, the first day of POODL!

I swapped tokens I didn’t want anymore (asko), it was arround $150 worth for POODL. Got me somewhere arround 25B tokens at the time.

I bet you are really grateful for the information he gave you. When did you realize that POODL is not just any shitcoin but has some real potential?

Oh yeah, we even had an exchange about POODL this morning, he’s one of my best friends! And to be honest, I got involved in the token pretty much on the first day because I knew that being this early meant I could make myself useful and spread the word by bringing some structure, keeping track of files, posts etc. I don’t remember which day it was but I think Benji invited me to be an admin either the 13th or the 14th so I can say I’m part of the early admin posse 🤙

Yes, Benji seems to have a good nose for finding the right people and you are certainly one of them! After being named an admin and the more chaotic phase being over now, what is your job inside the team?

To be honest, I’m kind of struggling to explain to myself what role I play, but I guess I do some technical stuff for the token, manage the team somehow, bring ideas. I’m the admin of the POODL discord channel but I’m mostly relying on the mods right now to be frank, but yeah, I mostly try to coordinate everyone and make sure they all have the same information.

Of course, we all play several roles and help where we can, but your technical background lets you aid in areas we other admins can’t, because we just don’t understand it, isn’t that right?

I guess you’re right, my technical knowledge really helped me to get an in-depth understanding of crypto. Even though I haven’t learned to program the blockchain yet, but I really feel like I could make this my job in the future, it’s really a field of computer engineering I resonate with. I’m all about decentralization, freedom and anonymity.

Amazing to see how all of this changes lives, not only money-wise but regarding purpose. And if POODL keeps growing and expanding, you will already have a place to go work full-time 😎 Do you think this could happen? Where do you see POODL in the future?

In my humble opinion (btw I’m not even 22, yet), given the awesome team we have right now (that includes you), there’s a big chance we could take this token to doge levels or somewhere in its neighborhood. It might not be in 2 months, maybe not 1 year, but I really feel like we have everything at our disposal to make it happen!

Haha, flattery doesn’t work (it actually does), but I agree with you, that the future of POODL looks really bright with our team and especially with the loyal and awesome community we have! Last question: Who would win? 100 poodle sized lions or 10 lion sized poodles?

10 lion sized poodles, obviously.

There you have it guys, this man knows his poodles! 🐩




$POODL Token is the first meme coin completely run by the community! Join us and be part of a unique movement!